Welcome to Successfully Booked! 

If an office job has your calendar ‘booked’, if your nose is always buried in a ‘book’, or if you’re constantly looking to ‘book’ your next vacation — you’ll feel right at home here. Working 40+ hours per week can make it challenging to enjoy some of the things we love to do and are passionate about. Yes, I am talking about our infamous friend ‘work-life balance’. Few of us have mastered the art. I’m not claiming to be a master, but I started this blog to share spoiler-free book reviews, travel guides and workplace tips which I hope will inspire you to make time for the things you love while continuing to excel in your career. 

Meet the Author

My name is Natalie. I am a (relatively) new business school grad. I currently have a full time corporate HR job, and I’m also a full fledged bookworm and world traveler. I live in the US, but I like to think of myself as a citizen of the world. I have been fortunate enough to visit 11 different countries and counting. However, I often find myself traveling to the literary worlds of my favorite books. I enjoy many different genres including contemporary, fantasy, non-fiction, mystery and more. Connect with me on social media and share your favorite book or travel destination with me. I’m always looking for recommendations!